

Sunday, November 21, 2010


I really enjoyed creating my own level, modelling and texturing objects, fitting them in, and putting details in to my level, as well as the particle effects, lighting and skybox, all designed and created by me. The effort and obsession that goes into getting the placement of objects, and details in the surrounding environment is both exhausting and fulfilling. things can look out of place, or dodgy if you dont put effort into the details around them and their placement. particle effects have to be accounted for in your design, such as in my desert level, I put sand piled up behind objects, just like it would realistically be. Researching the environment can yield some amazing finds, from concept art, to incredible photos. It would have been amazing to have a year or two to really get into the design and keep working on it until it becomes amazing, with heaps of effort put into the design, and creation of objects and textures, as well as enlarging, and expanding upon the level itself.
Hopefully in the future, I will remember the design process that went into this level. Hopefully this will help me design levels if I need to.
This has been my reflection, my last look at my process, now that everything is done, it has been a wonderful experience.

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